It’s been a while since I’ve written a Monday Motivation piece - not because I have been unmotivated myself, but because anytime I write one I want it to be as truly organic as possible. I don’t want to sit thinking, “What should I do this week?” and write whatever comes to mind. I want it to be a reflection of things actually happening.
The other day, a friend an I were swapping stories on how we both used to be ex-fatties - losing weight, losing chins and bingo wins, you know the story - and we began talking about how even though we are both in much better positions, physically and mentally, we can’t help but criticise ourselves so strongly, in relation to who we used to be. It’s amazing how much this has a knock on effect to the rest of you life; the low self-esteem you had as a youngster infects your adults life, work and relationships. The devil on your shoulder saying, “You’re not worth it, you’re not good enough”, and we let it alter our decision making and how we approach the world around us.